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Friday 18 May 2012

Some imposible questions.
  1. What do numbers taste of? Knollage
  2. What do words smell like? Adventure
  3. What is the sound of silence? sillence is not a sound but the lack of one.
  4. How old is never? 1 second longer than always.
  5. What colour is fear? Black and the unknown beond it.
  6. What does greed smell of? infinity
  7. What shape is infinity? It take no shape but bends the mind.
  8. What does an echo look like? The same as before it echos.
  9. Who is nowhere? A lonley man.
  10. What is the texture of sadness? Stickey easy to pick up hard to let go.


  1. I particularly like your answers to 4 and 9 - thank you.

  2. They are really clever, my fave is old is never and your answer is clever

    Oooohhh that rhymes
